Well, I received an email from the Regional Office today, letting me know that I will need to come home after training for about two weeks. I hadn't planned on this, and I wanted to leave directly from VA to Russia, but it looks like it's not going to work that way. The reason for this is that out of all of the countries I could work with, Russia is usually the one that is the slowest in returning the passports and visas. The last couple of groups the company sent to Russia, had to wait about two weeks after training for their visas to come in.
So with all of that being stated, my plans have changed. But does my plans really matter? Our Father, knows what's best for me! He has it all planned out, I just need to sit back and enjoy the ride, and that's exactly what I've decided to do from now on!
By the way, I received photos of my new apartment, obviously for those are the pics up above. For the most part, I expected it to look this way, but the toilet situation is a little weird. But to tell you the truth, I have lived in weirder situations than this(Don't believe me, ask me about Guatemala)!