
Saturday, June 13, 2009


Father, tonight as I was reading through my friends’ blogs and a few of their emails, I realized what an amazing net of friends you’ve woven together for me! Over the past few years, I’ve been in places and situations that I’ve hated, now it wasn’t all bad, but there were some growing periods in there that I hated living through. Now, I look back and see that while in those circumstances, you placed key people in my life. Those trials brought me closer to several people who I now call my very dear friends, without them, I would have had a harder time getting to this chapter in my life. Oh, I know that I would’ve eventually made it here, but I now see looking back, all those times when I thought my prayers were hitting the ceiling, and my life was completely miserable, you were giving me true friends to lean on. Friends who have a bond with me and that know me better than I sometimes know myself because of what we went through together.

Thank You Father for your provision, yes even with friends, you’ve provided better than I could’ve even imagined myself. Thank you for not allowing me have a say in the friends I thought I needed!

To my friends, I might not be calling or emailing you every week, but know that I truly thank God for you. I thank God that He brought us together. My dear friends, you know who you are. Thank you for putting smiles on my face, for always helping me see when I need to make u-turns, and yes, even change my attitude. Thank you for your honesty, love, compassion, and most of all grace.

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