
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Patience...What is That?!?

So, I've been reminded the past few weeks how hard it is to be a lady in this day and age, especially when it comes to friendships with boys. There is a very fine line that one walks, and it's very easy to fall over the edge. I've been relearning that I need to be patience and let the man be a man, and that isn't so easy for this modern day woman!

I've been told through various movies, television shows, and songs that it's okay if I take charge and go after what I want, but that isn't the Biblical view of a lady. We need to let the man be the pursuer.

I do think that it must be hard for a man in this day in age with all the women's movements and demands for equality to figure out how exactly to pursue a woman. Let me give you a hint men, if the woman you like is a godly woman, then pursue her like crazy, it's what she wants! I know it's scary because you have to put your heart out there, but it's your job as a man!

Now on to my job as a Christian woman, I need to be patience and remind myself that my goal in life is to glorify God and not seek out a husband. I need to be satisfied with my life the way it is now, and continue to live it daily for Him, and to daily give over this "friendship" and let the Lord handle it.

By the way, this message isn't directed at any certain guy and I'm not using my blog as a way of pursuing anyone, it's just an honest writing from my heart. Maybe, by writing about what I am struggling with, God can use it to encourage my single brothers and sisters in Christ.


Bud & Mary said...

Love and appreciate this honest comment, biblically based for a Christian.

With all the "wrong" ideas pushing their way in to lives today... some things are not easy but... with God most profitable...

Unknown said...

Thanks Mary for your post. It's not always easy to try to live a life that goes "against the norm" of our culture. Some times, I feel like I am the only one left out here(as far as being single and in my late 20s)! But then, God as usual, He will bring someone into my life that encourages me, or someone that's in the same boat as me!

We serve an amazing God that loves us and wants the best for us! I just have to remember that God's way is most profitable!! :)


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